Anne Mozley, editor, Letters
and Correspondence of John Henry Newman [to 1845], 2 volumes, London,
Includes brief autobiography. Commissioned
by Newman.*
Henri Bremond, Newman: Essai de biographie psychologique,
Paris, 1906; translated by H. C. Corrance as The Mystery of Newman, with
an introduction by George Tyrrell, London, 1907.
Considered misleading, helped to propagate
view of Newman as isolated, lonely. Bremond had no access to original sources.*
Wilfrid Ward, The Life of
John Henry Cardinal Newman based on His Private Journals and Correspondence,
2 volumes, London, 1912.
The classic life of Newman, presenting him
mainly as a thinker and writer. Contributed to the picture of Newman as sad and
over-sensitive. Concentrates on Newman's life as Catholic.*
Louis Bouyer, Newman: se vie, sa spiritualité, Paris
1952; translated by J. L. May in 1958.
Influential in the introduction of Newman's
cause for canonization. Newman's spirituality.*
Meriol Trevor, Newman: The Pillar of the Cloud [to
1853] and Newman: Light in Winter, London, 1962.
Complements Ward's portrait of Newman as
thinker and writer by focusing on Newman's personality, character, active and
practical life.*
Meriol Trevor, Newman's Journey, 1974 (Great Britain)
and 1985 (USA).
Abridgment of the two-volume work.
Joyce Sugg, Snapdragon: The Story of John Henry Newman,
1964 (Great Britain) and 1982 (USA).
For "young adults."
Charles Stephen Dessain, John Henry Newman, London,
A brief intellectual biography by the
editor of Newman's Letters and Diaries.*
C. Stephen Dessain et al., editors, Letters and Diaries of John
Henry Newman, 31 volumes, 1961 and later [vols. 11-31, Catholic years,
published first; vols. 1-10, Anglican years, published later.]
A primary source on Newman's life and
Vincent Ferrer Blehl, Pilgrim Journey: John Henry Newman
1801-1845, London, 2001.
Explores Newman's growth in holiness.
* Comments based on report of the Relator of the Cause, volume
II, Rome 1989, copyright Vincent Ferrer Blehl, S.J.