

Faber, Frederick William, 'his poetical fancy, his engaging frankness, his playful wit, his affectionateness, his sensitive piety,' Diff., ii., 23;
—— he and W. G. Ward 'in no sense spokesmen for English Catholics,' ib., 21-3;
—— there is plain historical truth in his words, 'Jesus is obscured, because Mary is kept in the background,' ib., 93;
—— 'some lines, the happiest, I think, which that author wrote,' quoted, Diff., ii., 96.

Faith, not mere conviction of sin, P.S., i., 170, 171, which however predisposes to faith, P.S., ii., 20;
—— the temper under which men obey, P.S., i., 172;
—— a profession of dependence which some men scorn, ib., i., 198, 199;
—— a response to conscience, ib., i., 199-200; P.S., ii., 18, 20;
—— doubts, against, to be met by action, P.S., i., 214, 236, 237; P.S., iv., 59;
—— reality of, tested by mystery, P.S., i., 211, 212;
—— impossible to such as make Christianity matter of historical or philosophical research, not a practical concern, P.S., ii., 21; G.A., 425, 426;
—— a spiritual sight, P.S., ii., 151, 152;
—— obedience the test of faith, ib., ii., 153, 157-9;
—— what is meant by faith, P.S., iii., 79;
—— faith and obedience one thing viewed differently, P.S., iii., 81-7;
—— Gospel faith a definite deposit, P.S., ii., 256, 258
—— New Testament formularies of faith, ib., ii., 262-5;
—— eclecticism not permissible in articles of faith, ib., ii., 259-61, 267, 272;
—— 'forms are the very food of faith,' P.S., iii., 195;
—— 'irreverence is the very opposite temper to faith,' P.S., iii., 110;
—— faith and self-denial in little things, ib., iii., 210-2;
—— by faith we give up this world, by love we reach into the next: some do one without the other, {60} P.S., iv., 315-8;
—— 'faith does not covet comforts,' P.S., v., 2;
—— acts of faith, ib., v., 28;
—— ventures of faith, P.S., iv., 301-6; P.S., vi., 117;
—— title for justification, still justification not given till sacraments are conferred and communion with the Church established, P.S., vi., 160-8; Jfc., 226-41;
—— faith made real by prayer, P.S., iv., 231;
—— imputed for righteousness in this sense, that 'he who begins with faith will end in unspotted and entire holiness,' P.S., v., 159;
—— faith the gate, good works the road, ib., v., 166, 167;
—— if we commit great sins, we have not faith, ib., v., 192; L.G., 138; Diff., i., 269, 270;
—— faith blots out infirmities, or lesser sins, but not transgressions, or greater sins; on the contrary, transgressions blot out faith, P.S., v., 182-4, 196, 197;
—— sed contra, 'faith is independent of sin,' S.N., 77; Diff., i., 269-71;
—— faith and Church communion, one will not save without the other, P.S., vi., 155;
—— no substitute for baptism, ib., vi., 170;
—— disjoined from justification, ib., vi., 172, 174-6, but never finally so, ib., vi., 168-77;
—— faith goes against reason in this sense, that 'it cares not for the measure of probabilities,' is not weaker on less evidence, but 'if there is a fair and clear likelihood of what God's will is, it acts upon it,' P.S., vi., 259; P.S., ii., 21; but cf. V.M., i., 86, 87, with notes;
—— 'faith outstrips argument,' 'does not regard degrees of evidence;' 'this, indeed, we see to be the case as regards things of earth,' P.S., vi., 249; U.S., 224, n. 3; 231, n. 12; [this the main contention of, G.A., 159-81, 321, 346-52, 361, 362, 412];
—— faith and conscientiousness in substance one and the same, P.S., viii., 107;
—— sed contra, Diff., i., 269-73;
—— mutual encroachments of faith and reason, U.S., 59-62;
—— 'as absurd to argue men as to torture them into believing,' U.S., 63; D.A., 294; Apo., 169; G.A., 424, 425;
—— not a mere believing upon evidence, U.S., 179;
—— in some sense independent of reason, ib., 179, 184;
—— is to reason as poetical powers to criticism, ib., 184;
—— faith mainly swayed by antecedent considerations, or prepossessions, and therefore acquiesces in evidence otherwise defective, U.S., 181-90; Dev., 327-30; G.A., 159 sq.;
—— 'a good and a bad man will think very different things probable,' U.S., 191;
—— man responsible for his faith, because responsible for his likings and dislikings, U.S., 192; Brougham to the contrary, D.A., 275, 287;
—— dead faith, which an infidel may have, depends on evidence, U.S., 193;
—— faith supernatural, ib.;
—— 'act of faith sole and elementary, and depends on no process of mind previous to it,' U.S., 202;
—— 'faith acts upon presumptions rather than evidence, speculates and ventures on the future when it cannot make sure of it,' U.S., 203;
—— 'reason does not really perceive anything,' but proceeds from things perceived to things which are not: in this sense 'faith is certainly an exercise of reason,' U.S., 206, 207;
—— not an illogical exercise, because it 'does not proceed merely from the actual evidence, but from other grounds besides;' 'it is the reasoning of a divinely enlightened mind,' U.S., 208;
—— not contrary to reason, but distinct from philosophical inquiry, {61} ib., 212;
—— grace does for the uncultivated believer what science does for the statesman or general, U.S., 218; S.N., 184;
—— in some sense 'a venture,' a risk, 'against reason,' triumphing over reason, outstripping reason, U.S., 224;
—— in same sense unbelief opposed to reason also, ib., 230, 231;
—— 'a test of a man's heart,' ib., 226, 227;
—— summary statement of the relation of faith to evidence, U.S., 231, 232, n. 12;
—— faith 'a presumption, because the mind cannot master its own reasons and anticipates in its conclusions a logical exposition of them,' U.S., 234, note;
—— 'we believe because we love,'—'this means not love precisely, but the virtue of religiousness,' U.S., 236, note; 'love is the parent of faith,' D.A., 252-3;
—— sed contra, by love here is meant not the theological virtue of charity, but a pious affection or good will, ib., 251, note;
—— right faith and its grounds described, U.S., 239, 240, 249, 250; L.G., 384-6; Mix., 194-6;
—— a state of belief once for all, Mix., 214-26; G.A., 191;
—— 'we have an injunction to cast our religion into the form of Creed and Evidences,' yet it would be 'unreal to suppose that true faith cannot exist except when moulded upon a Creed and based upon Evidence,' U.S., 253, 254;
—— a presumption of facts under knowledge defective, not however insufficient for action, U.S., 298;
—— practical 'not aiming at mere abstract truth,' ib.; but cf. Ess., i., 54;
—— faith's manifesto, U.S., 301, 302; its principles, 'ever the same in substance, ever varying in accidentals,' thus differing from bigotry, U.S., 303;
—— takes true views, but is often a defective reasoner, using arguments which are but shadows of those it really feels, U.S., 304, 305;
—— justification by faith rightly understood, Jfc., 214-7;
—— 'faith the sole mean and instrument of justification,' ib., 223-5; not to the exclusion of baptism, ib., 226; being 'the faith of the baptized,' ib., 227;
—— faith as an instrument always secondary to the Sacraments, Jfc., 231;
—— priority of love to faith, ib., 236, note;
—— faith 'justifying not the ungodly, but the just, whom God has justified when ungodly,' Jfc., 237;
—— faith before baptism not the instrument of justification, but one of many qualifications necessary for being justified, ib., 241;
—— faith taken as the symbol of free justification, Jfc., 246-51;
—— faith by itself not a grace, never does exist by itself, always in this person or that, a grace or not, Jfc., 254, 255;
—— faith as assent to God's word, Jfc., 258, 261;
—— faith as involving hope and love, ib., 259-61;
—— faith living and justifying, involving the rest of the virtues, Jfc., 265, 266;
—— triumph of faith by the preaching of the Apostles, Jfc., 268-73;
—— salvation by faith only is but another way of saying salvation by grace only, Jfc., 246-51, 283;
—— true faith 'colourless like air or water,' 'the medium through which the soul sees Christ,' Jfc., 336;
—— 'according to English principles, faith has all it needs in knowing that God is our Creator and that He may have spoken,' G.A., 59, 60; V.M., i., 86;
—— sed contra, 'who would call this an act of faith? was such Abraham's faith (Rom. iv.)?' ib., note; Mix., 195;
—— action the criterion of true faith, V.M., i., 87;
—— sed contra, {62} 'not of true faith, but of true earnestness,' V.M., i., 87, note; D.A., 391;
—— 'Romanism considers unclouded certainty necessary for faith, and doubt incompatible,' V.M., i., 85;
—— sed contra, the absence of involuntary misgivings is not necessary: doubt is nothing short of a 'deliberate withholding of assent to Church teaching,' ib., note;
—— faith 'guided by probabilities,' 'doubt ever our portion,' V.M., i., 108; 'here by doubt is meant a recognition of the logical incompleteness of the proof of a doctrine, not a refusal to pronounce it true,' ib., note;
—— essentials and non-essentials, some doctrines to be believed, others simply not contradicted, V.M., i., 254-9;
—— 'infidelity a positive, not a negative state, a state of profaneness, pride, and selfishness,' Ari., 85;
—— apostates to be avoided, ib., 85, 86;
—— a pragmatic view of faith, Ess., i., 53-71; D.A., 199, 200;
—— 'in matters of faith, no man has any right to impose his own deductions on another,' D.A., 45;
—— a difficulty against faith standing unvanquished, D.A., 111;
—— God wishes me to believe His revelation in Christ, taking the whole, even though there be errors in little matters of detail, D.A., 234, 235;
—— 'faith prior to demonstration,' D.A., 201;
—— life is practical, we must believe something, D.A., 214, 215;
—— 'bid to believe on weak arguments and fanciful deductions,' D.A., 248;
—— sed contra, 'this is too strongly worded,' ib., note;
—— 'if we will not go by evidence in which there are (so to say) a score of reasons for revelation, yet one or two against it, we cannot be Christians,' D.A., 249;
—— 'they who feel that they cannot do without the next world go by faith, not that sight would not be better, but because they have no other means of knowledge to go by,' D.A., 250, 252;
—— 'faith, the absolute acceptance of the divine Word with an internal assent,' Dev., 325;
—— 'faith ethical in its origin,' 'safer to believe, we must begin with believing,' reasons of believing implicit and slightly recognized, consisting rather of presumptions and ventures than of accurate proofs, 'probable arguments, under the scrutiny of a prudent judgment, being sufficient for conclusions which we embrace as most certain,' Dev., 327;
—— out of faith reason makes theology, Dev., 336-8;
—— 'to act you must assume, and that assumption is faith,' D.A., 295;
—— for men, instead of believing, to act as if they did believe, is not faith: 'no priest at liberty to receive a man into the Church who has not a real internal belief,' D.A., 391;
—— acting as if they did believe is the attitude of many Protestants, seemingly approved by Butler, ib.; V.M., i., 86, 87; G.A., 59;
—— 'the very form of our Lord's teaching is to substitute authority for argument,' D.A., 395, 397;
—— when sight and faith oppose each other, we are asked 'to trust for a little while the latter,' S.D., 64; instances, α. the little difference that baptism seems to make, S.D., 66-9; β. the apparent good lives of men destitute of Christianity, S.D., 74; γ. everlasting punishment, S.D., 75, 76;
—— narrow the way of faith, H.S., i., 375-9, 391;
—— 'a divine spirit and power in Christianity such as irresistibly to commend it to religious and honest minds, leaving {63} argumentation behind as comparatively useless,' H.S., ii., 113;
—— what comes of identifying faith with spiritual-mindedness, divorced from truth and knowledge, Idea, 28, 29; P.S., ii., 163 sq.;
—— informations of faith, protests against sin, swept away, then seen over against us in their old places, a handwriting on the wall, Idea, 514, 515;
—— if faith is really rational, all ought to see that it is rational, else it is not rational—a difficult subject, L.G., 43;
—— 'Catholics begin with faith, Protestants with inquiry,' ib., 114; G.A., 191;
—— Evangelical notion of faith and works, discussion of, L.G., 137-45, 149-54;
—— 'reason has gone first, faith is to follow,' L.G., 365, 385;
—— 'has faith a place in the religion of an Anglican?' L.G., 381, 382; S.N., 15, 16; Mix., 193 sq.;
—— moral certainty in a convert precedes the certainty of faith, L.G., 384;
—— 'you must make a venture, faith is a venture before a man is a Catholic; it is a gift after it,' L.G., 385;
—— men 'must oblige their will to perfect what reason leaves sufficient but incomplete,' L.G., 384, 386;
—— 'pride in bodily shape, treading down faith and conviction,' Call., 164, 165;
—— knowledge of Christian truth without faith like knowledge attained by the blind, Mix., 172-7;
—— the English position 'that faith is not necessary, and a state of doubt is sufficient, and all that is expected of us,' Mix., 178-80; V.M., i., 85-7, notes;
—— faith utterly consumes doubt but not temptations to disbelieve, Mix., 183;
—— 'men do not become Catholics because they have not faith,' 'no truism,' Mix., 193-207; S.N., 15; no faith even in their own religions, Mix., 194;
—— faith in the Apostles' time meant implicit acceptance of their teaching, as of God, Mix., 196-8; S.N., 15; it can mean no less now, Mix., 207; acceptance of a living authority, not of a book, Mix., 199, 200;
—— easy with good dispositions, without them not, O.S., 63; conscience predisposing to faith, O.S., 64-8; another habit of mind indisposing, O.S., 68; faith accepted or rejected accordingly, O.S., 69, 70, 72; G.A., 425, 426;
—— credibility distinguished into verisimilitude and evidence, Prepos., 412-4;
—— faith a spiritual sight (P.S., ii., 151, 152) parallel with the moral sense, distinct from obedience, hope, or love, Diff., i., 269-74;
—— ordinarily speaking, once faith, always faith, Diff., i., 289;
—— material (mechanical) and formal (real) faith, Diff., i., 350-2;
—— 'ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt,' Apo., 239;
—— a divine light, a gift from above, M.D., 261, 262;
—— doubt incompatible with faith, S.N., 20; G.A., 191; P.S., i., 214;
—— not the Bible, not episcopacy, not reason, not love, but faith the basis of the Christian empire, S.N., 76, 77;
—— 'early Christians had no greater evidence than we have, but believed more vigorously,' S.N., 202, 203;
—— popularly described as a secret inward sense that God speaks and that it is our duty to obey, S.N., 222, 342, 343;
—— marked off from opinion and experience, more certain than knowledge, S.N., 312, 313;
—— 'the bulk of men live and die without faith,' S.N., 323-5; 'the idea of taking one's doctrine from an external authority does not {64} enter their minds,' S.N., 326;
—— without faith no chance of salvation, S.N., 324, 326;
—— 'not denying that those who are not Catholics may have this divine faith,' S.N., 324;
—— 'does no Protestant go by faith? It does seem that the majority do not. Do any? I trust they do,' S.N., 326, 327;
—— 'we must take both (doctrines and commands) not by reason or conscience, but by faith,' S.N., 325;
—— 'love comes after faith,' S.N., 330;
—— 'faith and devotion as distinct in fact as they are in idea;' the latter grows, the former in its object does not, Diff., ii., 26-31;
—— definitions of faith, their compass carefully narrowed, Diff., ii., 320, 321;
—— faith and formalism, where they differ, G.A., 43;
—— faith belief 'not only in the thing believed, but also in the ground of believing,' G.A., 99;
—— credenda, why so many and minute, G.A., 145-50;
—— sufficiency of implicit faith in the word of an infallible Church, ib., 150-3;
—— assent of faith beyond the operation of the ordinary laws of thought, G.A., 186, 187;
—— a Catholic forbidden to enquire into the truth of his Creed, because 'he cannot be both inside and outside of the Church at once,' G.A., 191; L.G., 203, 204; but not forbidden to prove, G.A., 189, 190,—nay, for educated minds, such proof of religion is 'an obligation, or rather a necessity,' G.A., 192;
—— muscæ volitantes, questions to which there is no answer, 'no thoroughfares,' G.A., 217, 218, 220;
—— one may grow startled at facts of faith,—'when the Lord turned the captivity of Sion, we were like men that dream,' G.A., 219, 220;
—— 'doubt in some way implied in a Christian's faith,' 'doubt is ever our portion in this life,' V.M., i., 87, 108;
—— sed contra, ib., 87, 108, notes; Apo., 239; G.A., 191; S.N., 20; Mix., 183, 214-33 (sermon on Faith and Doubt);
—— identification of faith with its fruits, obedience, love, etc. (e.g., P.S., ii., 153, 157-9; P.S., iii., 81-7; P.S., v., 28, 192, 197; P.S., viii., 107); a common Protestant error, Diff., i., 269-74.

False Decretals, Ess., ii., 271, 272, 320 sq.

Fasting, uncongenial to Englishmen, P.S., iv., 75;
—— to be done in Christ, P.S., vi., 2, 3;
—— an occasion of temptation, ib., vi., 6-8;
—— 'an approach to the powers of heaven, and of hell,' ib., vi, 9;
—— to be graduated to strength, ib., vi., 34;
—— not confined to first ages, ib., vi., 11, 28;
—— 'those who neglect fasting make light of orthodoxy,' ib., vi., 67;
—— 'they who neither fast nor pray cannot follow Christ,' ib., vi., 208, 209; P.S., v., 337;
—— wants support of Lenten pastorals, V.M., i., 103;
—— commended by English Divines, V.M., ii., 252-5;
—— Lent an anticipation of death and judgment, S.D., 38, 39;
—— is it of obligation in the Church of England? L.G., 299-301.

Fear, the first step in religion, P.S., i., 55, 56, 304, 318-23; P.S., ii., 286; G.A., 391-400;
—— disposes to faith, P.S., ii., 20;
—— two classes of men deficient in fear, P.S., v., 15, 17;
—— instances of want of fear, ib., v., 18-21;
—— who would not fear if He saw God present? ib., v., 22-5;
—— want of fear, want of faith, ib., v., 27;
—— the correct attitude in religion till God comforts us, U.S., 117, 118;
—— love latent in fear; love added, fear not removed, Dev., 420;
—— fear comes of the working of conscience in {65} Natural Religion, G.A., 391-3, 400; O.S., 67.

The Few and the Many, 'if the few be gained, the many will follow'; 'every great change is effected by the few, not by the many'; 'much may be undone by the many,' P.S., i., 287-90;
—— 'truth vested in the Few; cherished, throned, energizing in the Few,' V.M., ii., 197, 198;
—— 'the hidden ones,' 'the chosen few,' V.V., 42-4;
—— 'for scantness is still Heaven's might,' V.V., 80, 81;
—— 'it has been the elect few who have saved the world and the Church,' S.N., 235;
—— 'appointments of Divine goodness marked by exclusiveness: the few are favoured for the good of the many,' P.S., iii., 194;
—— isolation of the few among the many: 'it seems to have pleased the Dresser of the Vineyard that His own should not grow too thick together,' P.S., iii., 238-42;
—— 'it is the very function of the Christian to be moving against the world, and to be protesting against the majority of voices,' U.S., 149;
—— charge of singularity, P.S., v., 265, 266;
—— 'success in the hearts of the many is not promised her' (the Church), P.S., iv., 154, 155;
—— few apparently saved, and we do not know who those few are, P.S., iv., 88; P.S., v., 254-64; S.N., 44;
—— the Catholic 'bad many' never so far from salvation as the Protestant, Diff., i., 272-95.

Flowers, emblems, Call., 126.

Forbes, Bishop of Brechin, allowed to teach in 1868 what was condemned in Tract 90 in 1841, V.M., ii., 349-51.

Free discussion, safe for Religion and necessary for Science, limitations to this statement, Idea, 471-4;
—— error in some cases the only way to truth, like a ship tacking, Idea, 474, 475;
—— 'great minds need elbow room, not indeed in the domain of faith, but of thought; and so indeed do lesser minds and all minds,' ib., 476, 477;
—— sense of responsibility presupposed, Idea, 479;
—— alliance with infallible authority,—'the energy of the human intellect "does from opposition grow"; it thrives and is joyous, with a tough elastic strength, under the terrible blows of the divinely-fashioned weapon,' Apo., 252;
—— 'a violent ultra party, which exalts opinions into dogmas, and has it principally at heart to destroy every school of thought but its own,' Apo., 260;
—— 'one Pope, jure divino, I acknowledge no other,' Diff., ii., 346;
—— 'you may stifle them (great ideas), you may torment them with continual meddling; I prefer to grant full liberty of thought, and to call it to account when abused,' Diff., ii., 79
—— considerably limited in England as late as 1828, Diff., ii., 262-6; said limitations, the whole theory of Toryism, impossible to keep up, ib., 266, 267;
—— some check on the liberty of speech necessary under every government, Diff., ii., 273-5;
—— Mill on Liberty quoted and criticized, ib., 363, 364.

Froude, R. Hurrell, no Romanist, V.M., ii., 203-5, notes, 214, note;
—— his views on the Communion Service, ib., ii., 225-7; on the Real Presence, ib., ii., 233, 234;
—— his objection to Keble's 'in the heart, not in the hands,' V.M., ii., 238;
—— character, influence on Newman, Apo., 23-5 (d. 1836);
—— Newman and Keble edited his Remains, Apo., 75;
—— lines on {66} his death, V.V., 196, note;
—— his saying that the Church of England was united to the State as Israel to Egypt, Diff., ii., 199;
—— 'did not seem to be afraid of inferences,' Apo., 38, 39;
—— gave currency to the word economy, ib., 45, 46.

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Newman Reader — Works of John Henry Newman
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