

Davison of Oriel, Ess., ii., 375-420;
—— greatness undeveloped, ib., ii., 375, 376;
—— 'the secrecy and solitude in which great minds move,' ib., ii., 377;
—— did not compose well, yet happy in single phrases, ib., ii., 381-4;
—— specimens of his style, ib., ii., 386-94;
—— his activity as pro-proctor, ib., ii., 385;
—— ruling idea of his life, according to Keble, 'the fixed love and admiration of heavenly things,' ib., ii., 394-400;
—— quoted, Dev., l09;
—— supported Copleston in the controversy with the Edinburgh Review, Idea, 158;
—— his arguments quoted, to the effect that 'a man is not to be usurped by his profession,' ib., 170-6.

Death, neglect of the dead, P.S., iii., 383-5; thought of them consoling, ib., iii., 385-7;
—— what it is to die, P.S., vii., 3-9; S.N., 49, 50;
—— commemoration of the dead in the liturgy, D.A., 204, 205; Dev., 367; H.S., ii., 158;
—— mystery of death, Call., 374, 375;
—— terrible to die, having been 'led on by God's grace, but stopped short of its scope,' Mix., 190, 191, 235, 236; Dev., 445;
—— prayer for a happy death, M.D., 388;
—— 'we walk over our own dying day, year by year,' S.N., 194, 253;
—— enjoyment of life, reluctance to quit, S.N., 50; ib., pp. ix., x.;
—— spirits of the dead live in awful singleness, V.V., 109; what they could tell us, but may not, V.V., 195, 196;
—— the dying Christian, V.V., 323-31;
—— death, 'as though my very being had given way and I was no more a substance,' ib., 323, 324, 328;
—— after death, ib., 331-4.

Decency, apart from Christianity, exemplified in Julian, extolled by Shaftesbury, Idea, 194-200;
—— its shallowness and inefficiency, Idea, 201-11; P.S., i., 30-3, 76-8, 311, 312; P.S., ii., 318; P.S., iv., 140, 160, 161, 301, 302; U.S., {51} 40-8, 103; Mix., 153-5; Idea, 120, 121;
—— worldly decorum 'a rude attempt to cover the degradation of the Fall,' P.S., viii., 266;
—— no fear of God about it, Idea, 190-3; nor self-condemnation, O.S., 24, 25;
—— insufficient for salvation, S.N., 191, 192, 322-4;
—— need not be a work of faith, P.S., ii., 158;
—— 'the national religion leads to decency, but is powerless to resist the world,' Mix., 102.

Destiny, the youth who could not escape his destiny, L.G., 101, 206, 207; Call., 29; O.S., 276; Apo., 119;
—— not fatalism, 'fatalism the refuge of a conscience-stricken mind,' U.S., 145.

Detachment, virtue of, described, H.S., iii., 130;
—— characteristic of the Popes, ib., 130, 133, 134, 137, 140; of Pius IX., ib. 142-6;
—— the sacrifice of the present to the future, Call., 327, 328;
—— detachment considered as watching for Christ, rare virtue, P.S., iv., 325-31; O.S., 35, 36.

Development of doctrine, 'religious knowledge more likely to be obscured than advanced by lapse of time,' P.S., vii., 249;
—— way closed against discoveries, neither practicable nor desirable, ib., vii., 251;
—— Newman's later theory of development stated, V.M., i., 82; 'doctrines remain implicit till they are contravened: they are then stated in explicit form,' V.M., i., 223, note;
—— 'articles hidden in the Church's bosom from the first, and brought out into form according to the occasion,' V.M., ii., 40;
—— dogmas existed before formulas, T.T., 333;
—— development admitted, and alleged in support of Anglicanism, Ess., ii., 43-5;
—— sed contra, Dev., 78;
—— principles same in substance, ever varying in accidentals, U.S., 303;
—— Catholic dogma 'one, absolute, integral, indissoluble, while the world lasts,' U.S., 317;
—— the mind often unconscious of the development of which its ideas are susceptible, U.S., 321-3;
—— 'centuries might pass without the formal expression of a truth which all along had been the secret life of millions,' U.S., 323;
—— ideas difficult to express, ib., 324; or to recognize when expressed, ib., 325;
—— 'they who look to Antiquity as supplying the rule of faith do not believe in the possibility of any substantial increase of religious knowledge,' Ess., i., 159; Ess., ii., 12-6, notes;
—— 'here (Ess., i., 284-8) I have given utterance to a theory, not mine, of a metamorphosis and recasting of doctrines into new shapes,' Ess., i., 288, note, 308; D.A., 12-5;
—— development in America, Ess., i., 337;
—— theory of development stated, Dev., 29, 30; 'the process by which the aspects of an idea are brought into consistency and form,' Dev., 38;
—— unlike the course of a river, the stream of a great idea is not clearest near the spring, Dev., 40;
—— a corruption, an unfaithful development, Dev., 41, 170, 171;
—— an idea cannot be taken in at once simply and integrally, it must be gradually developed to be understood, Dev., 55-7; no doctrine starts complete at first, Dev., 68;
—— our Lord's parables point to development, Dev., 73, 74;
—— an infallible developing authority to be expected, Dev., 78;
—— if developments were to be expected, and developments there are, the presumption is that they are true and legitimate, Dev., 93, {52} 94, 101; especially when they have no rival, Dev., 95, 100;
—— stages of a dogma on the road to definition, Dev., 122, 123;
—— examples,—canon of New Testament, Dev., 123-6; original sin, Dev., 126, 127; infant baptism, Dev., 127-9; communion in one kind, Dev., 129-33; the homoüsion, Dev., 133 sq.; the cultus of saints, Dev., 138-42; the dignity of the Mother of God, Dev., 142-8; papal supremacy, Dev., 148-65; Diff., ii., 207-14;
—— 'the fifth century acts as a comment on the obscure text of the centuries before it,' D.A., 237, 238;
—— seven notes of what is development, not corruption, Dev., 171, 206;
—— first note, preservation of type, Dev., 171-8, 323; three expressions, α, β, γ, of the type uniformly preserved in the Catholic Church, α. Dev., 208; β. ib., 245-7; γ. ib., 321, 322;
—— second note, continuity of principles, Dev., 178-85;
—— third note, power of assimilation, Dev., 185-9;
—— fourth note, logical sequence, Dev., 189-95;
—— fifth note, anticipation of its own future, Dev., 195-9;
—— sixth note, conservation of its own past, Dev., 199-203;
—— seventh note, chronic vigour, Dev., 203-5;
—— teachings of early Fathers completed by their successors, Dev., 366, 367;
—— Tertullian, Montanism, and development, Dev., 362-4;
—— development not a logical operation in the sense of a conscious reasoning from premisses, Dev., 189; but when the thing is done, its being logical is the test of its being a true development, Dev., 190, 191;
—— heresy in the path of development, H.S., iii., 192-4;
—— 'our rules and our rubrics have been altered to meet the times, hence an obsolete discipline may be a present heresy,' Idea, 82, 83;
—— 'showed that Rome was in truth ancient Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople,' Apo., 197, 198;
—— development or else corruption, V.M., i., 209;
—— idea of development disliked by Pusey, Diff., ii., 16;
—— principle of doctrinal development never so freely and largely used as in the decrees of 1854 and 1870, Diff., ii., 314, 315;
—— how doctrinal development first presented itself to Newman, and what he afterwards found in 'this to me ineffably cogent argument,' G.A., 498; Diff., i., 394-6.

Disciplina arcani, nature and history, Ari., 47-56;
—— not strictly enforced after the second century, Ari., 52;
—— a bare but correct outline of doctrine, nothing to unlearn, Ari., 53;
—— set aside with reluctance, Ari., 136, 137;
—— no key to the whole difficulty which development is invoked to solve, Dev., 27-9;
—— accounts for the omission of the Real Presence from the Creed, G.A., 145;
—— as regards the Blessed Virgin, Ath., ii., 208-10.

Dissent, 'there is not a Dissenter living but, inasmuch and in so far as he dissents, is in a sin,' P.S., iii., 202, 203;
—— mind of Dissent not the mind of Christ, ib., iii., 342;
—— why Dissent attracts, P.S., iii., 345-7; D.A., 39; L.G., 90: H.S., ii., 165;
—— hope for Dissenters, P.S., vi., 169-72, 176, 177;
—— left to the uncovenanted mercies of God, Jfc., 320; S.D., 365, 366, note;
—— Dissent to be tolerated, P.S., vi., 204, 205;
—— Dissenters apt to be irreverent, P.S., viii., 3-6;
—— no pretence to Antiquity, V.M., i., 263;
—— no pretence to {53} be the Bible Church, so they can never be right, Ess., ii.,355-7;
—— briskly return upon Anglicans their attacks upon Rome, V.M., ii., 219-21;
—— you must have dissent or monachism, D.A., 39; H.S., ii., 101, 102, 165;
—— 'we cannot hope for the recovery of dissenting bodies while we are ourselves alienated from the great body of Christendom,' S.D., 133;
—— Dissenters in joining the Church have nothing to quit, S.D., 362-5;
—— 'Dissenting teaching came to nothing, dissipated in thoughts which had no point,' D.A., 296;
—— bill for the admission of Dissenters to Oxford, H.S., iii., 332;
—— effect on Church of England, Mix., 251;
—— some Dissenters sit above their preacher, L.G., 205, 206;
—— pious deaths of Dissenters, Diff., i., 88-93;
—— 'O rail not at our kindred in the North, albeit Samaria finds her likeness there,' V.V., 158;
—— concession, uncountenanced by Church Missionary Society in 1830, 'that dissenters may be recognized as independent bodies on a footing with the Church,' V.M., ii., 13.

Dodwell, his Cyprianic Dissertation, De Episcopo unitatis principio, Ess., ii., 25-32;
—— St. Augustine explains St. Cyprian differently from Dodwell, ib, 32, 35;
—— the arrangement of independent bishopricks 'a sure and easy way of not effecting those very ends which ecclesiastical arrangements are intended to subserve,' Ess., ii., 96-8;
—— on miracles, Mir., 215.

Dollinger and his party, their secession, Newman's view of it, Diff., ii., 299, 311.

Donatists, in a very different position from Anglicans, Ess., ii., 49;
—— St. Augustine's quæstio facillima, ib., ii., 364;
—— a note of disqualification, in that they refused the name of Catholic to the rest of Christendom, ib., ii., 372;
—— Anglicans in the condition of Donatists, separate, Romanists corrupt, D.A., 7, 8;
—— St. Augustine appealed to them, not through their bishops, but singly, Dev., 270-2;
—— Romanists likened by Bramhall to Donatists, Diff., i., 332;
—— argument from Donatists 'clear, strong, and decisive,' Diff., i., 392;
—— 'did not see much in it' at first, Apo., 116, 117.

Drunkenness, 'in some sort a profanation of a divine ordinance,' S.D., 29.

Duty, in the abstract, nothing easier, U.S., 241;
—— in the world's eye, limited by calling, O.S., 24, 25;
—— discharge of natural duties, wrongly assumed to suffice for salvation, S.N., 191, 192.

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Newman Reader — Works of John Henry Newman
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